Mechanical bidet toilet attachment

Mechanical bidet toilet attachment vs. electronic bidet


Mechanical bidet toilet attachment - mechanical vs. electronics image

Two types of mechanical bidets are on the market today. 

A simple version to attach to your bidet without a housing, also called toilet attachment. 

The other type provides housing mounted on the toilet bowl. We will discuss a toilet attachment bidet, which doesn’t require housing. 

The right image represents a toilet attachment bidet.


Mechanical bidet toilet attachment

Mechanical bidet toilet attachment has become popular in the market today. It is inexpensive, easy to install, and no electrical energy is required to run it, which makes perfect sense for a beginner. Also, it provides a very basic bidet or posterior wash. And you don’t need to wire electrical input.

The limitation of mechanical bidet toilet attachment

The mechanical bidet uses water pressure as the energy source to spray pressure water directly from your water opening. There are a few disadvantages:

  • The mechanical bidet uses water pressure as the energy source to spray pressure water directly from your water opening. 
  • No purified water: As water directly comes through the unit, you cannot attach a water filter to the bidet to purify incoming water.
  • No warm water, no heated seat, no warm air dryer: Since it is a mechanical bidet, there is no electrical energy to provide warm water, a heated seat, or a warm air dryer.
  • The bidet nozzle is always open to the air, requiring to clean it before using it since the nozzle can get impurities easily.



Mechanical bidet toilet attachment - no warm water with mechanical bidet image

Simplicity and economy of a mechanical bidet 

You still like to use the toilet attachment bidet since it is NOT expensive, simple to use, and easy to install. It serves just fine for a basic wash, even though some disadvantages exist compared to an electronic bidet seat. 

Why you might need an electronic bidet?

One of the common reasons you need to use a modern bidet seat is that it provides hygiene and convenience. Also, it offers to control your preferential temperatures of water, air, seat, and water pressure. What if a bidet brings you all those features?

Mechanical bidet toilet attachment - smart electronics bidet seat symbolic image

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